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Gods deep love for all of us

God’s Deep Love for all of us.
A Reflection by Fred Schaeffer, OFS

"Stepping aside is a graceful movement of the soul." Don't seek praise... but give it, as the Prayer of Saint Francis says. "We seek to take on the manners of Heaven. Stepping aside is the outer garment of humility. Also, always speak the truth. Even to yourself. Truth is strength, Truth is God. God is Love.


Practice detachment from worldly goods. As Secular Franciscans we do not have a vow of poverty, but nonetheless, we know that amassing worldly goods is not the way to Heaven. A person who practices detachment does not deprive others of their rights. Do not judge others, just try to help where you can. St. Francis of Assisi could have scorned the lepers as the outcasts of society they were in the 13th Century, but he helped them and bathed their wounds. He had a deep love for people, a love received from God.


Pride is a terrible obstacle to attaining perfection. Humility kills pride. It is a gift: "Were it not for our Master and Lord, not one of us would strive to acquire humility." Bear irritations and humiliations silently. Remember St. Francis' description of Perfect Joy - he bore irritation and humility with perfect joy! Silently accept sorrow as he did. You'll find out that being humble is real suffering at times, but offer it up for Jesus. "We catch a glimpse of God's patient and absorbing love," when we strive to be humble and patient.


Obedience to the Will of God takes total surrender. Breaking our own will, that very free will He gave us, takes an immense amount of pain and suffering. But we must... Jesus loves us totally and unconditionally. Can we do any less for Him? Can we do any less for our sisters and brothers? This falls under the subject of personal conversion (Metanoia) and we, as Franciscans, should work on that every day! Also, feelings have no place in the life of the spirit. How often I hear someone say... it feels so good to pray. Our feelings must never be the issue in prayer... because our feelings are usually pride. The Eucharistic life is a marvel of love. Feelings have no place in this Eucharistic life - deep convictions do. Craving for anything outside of God will do us harm.


  • Pope Francis said “a life of obedience” is the key to the first reading from the Book of Acts (5:27-33) and the Gospel (John 3:31-36).
  • Obedience to God is not only a way to worship him, but a way to get closer to him, prepare for whatever he leads you to and grow as a person. As Christians, we know we are not saved by our works but that our faith without works is dead (James 2:26)


Our focus is clear from our Charism, our vocation. Service to others, our brothers and sisters, also to those who are marginalized and whose rights as human beings are trampled upon, that service is the loss of self in the interest of God. Service is the purchase price of peace. And, "whoever does not carry my Cross, cannot be my disciple." (Lk 14:27) Love all, do not overlook anyone. "A radiant smile is a blessing; bad humor, a poor choice of words, casts a pall of doom." (Fred Schaeffer, OFS bc289, 2013)


Peace and all Good,

Fred Schaeffer, OFS,

Originally published on "" 2023. Repeated here as it is a nice Lenten theme. /Fred S.


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