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Canticle - December 2022

Next Gathering

Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022
at 2:00-4:30 PM

Council Members
(exp. Feb. 13, 2025)

  • Minister: Joanne Giordano, OFS
  • Vice-Min., & *temp. Treas.: Jean McGovern, OFS
  • *Secretary: Virginia Davis, OFS
  • Formation Director: Fred Schaeffer, OFS
  • *Councilor: Helen Caldarone, OFS

  • Webmaster & Canticle ed. Fred Schaeffer, OFS

(*)  Functions re-assigned Nov. '22, due to:  Nancy
        Thomas, OFS, moved to Orange County. 

December is dedicated to the
     Immaculate Conception

Meeting Schedule

2:00 Opening, Reports, etc.   (All times are approximate)
2:20 Formation (Fred): Ch. 14, pgs. 155-163 in the Franciscan Journey, Updated version.
3:00 Social
Liturgy of the Hours: Evening Prayer
4:15 Closing prayers, Dismissal. Council Meeting & Cleanup.

We attend the 5:00 pm Mass together
St. Patrick's Rm. will be op
en at 1:30 pm [set up]

Franciscans should always be joyful
by Fred Schaeffer, OFS 

  It is especially around this time of year, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, when we have every reason to be joyful. And, Franciscans, by nature of the Rule they profess, following St. Francis of Assisi, should always go around with interior joy brimming over. It is important because we must shine as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! This need for joy is even codified in the Rule of St. Francis for Secular Franciscans, in the following places:

  • "As the Father sees in every person the features of his Son, the firstborn of many brothers and sisters, so the Secular Franciscans with a gentle and courteous spirit accept all people as a gift of the Lord and an image of Christ. A sense of community will make them joyful and ready to place themselves on an equal basis with all people, especially with the lowly for whom they shall strive to create conditions of life worthy of people redeemed by Christ." (Rule 13)

  • "In their family they should cultivate the Franciscan spirit of peace, fidelity, and respect for life, striving to make of it a sign of a world already renewed in Christ. By living the grace of matrimony, husbands and wives in particular should bear witness in the world to the love of Christ for his Church. They should joyfully accompany their children on their human and spiritual journey by providing a simple and open Christian education and being attentive to the vocation of each child." (Rule 17)


 December Secular Franciscan Saints & Blessed

 04 Blessed Peter of Siena (d.1289)   
07 Maria Giuseppa Rossello (d.1880) 

 11 Blessed Hugolino Magalotti (d.1373) 

 12 Bl. Bartholomew of San Gimignano (d.1300) 

 13 Finding the Body of Our Holy Father St. Francis 

 15 The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Franciscan

 15 Blessed Mary Frances Schervier

 19 Blessed Christina of Tuscany (d.1310)
25 Christmas Day 

  • "Mindful that they are bearers of peace which must be built up unceasingly, they should seek out ways of unity and fraternal harmony through dialogue, trusting in the presence of the divine seed in everyone and in the transforming power of love and pardon. Messengers of perfect joy in every circumstance, they should strive to bring joy and hope to others. Since they are immersed in the resurrection of Christ, which gives true meaning to Sister Death, let them serenely tend toward the ultimate encounter with the Father." (Rule 19)

   When we go to meet people, we will not be effective evangelists or ambassadors of Jesus, if we run around with a perpetual growl on our faces. To place ourselves on an equal basis with all people, we must come with an inner joy and inner glow that shows we really love Our Lord, and we love our sisters and brothers no matter who they are. Have you ever met a Franciscan friar who is a sourpuss? Almost never. Of course every human character trait is represented among all of us but we are people who love God and show it by living a life of daily conversion that comes through to others when we interact with them in formal as well as informal ways.  (cont'd p. 2) 

Divine Mercy Fraternity ● Secular Franciscan Order ● Vero Beach, Florida ● Dec. 2022, p. 2 

Rule 17 talks about the family. They should really be model husbands or wives, but wait - it should not stop with the family - how about the OFS Fraternity? That is our family also! Or, even on a wider basis, people whom we come into contact with in our world, the "Body of Christ" - that is why it is so important in general for all people, even non-Franciscans, to try to retain some semblance of family life because the closeness of family life reflects on our treatment of other people later in life. I met a young woman once, and we were talking about Thanksgiving (the holiday), and she said to me, "We were a family just for a little while." Isn't it sad that it is only during Thanksgiving Dinner that some people are family, and exhibit some form of family unity and love, "for a little while." - That's tragic. We know so many families where this is the case nowadays. Most families are like "tumbleweeds" - they meet here and there, and there just isn't any semblance of family unity anymore. Teenagers live a life of their own. Even in their parental home. Yes, they have difficult lives, dealing with their peers in school with all the different personalities they need to learn to get along with... but if they do not learn the art of interaction with the rest of the world, they will eventually end up in jail. As a former prison minister of my parish, I can attest to that.

Rule 19 says that we, Secular Franciscans, are bearers of peace and that we must seek out ways to promote fraternal harmony. We are to be "messengers of perfect joy in every circumstance." I know that is not easy, but when we, Franciscans, trust in God, follow St. Francis's Rule as best as we can, we will become these messengers of perfect joy. Pray about that, my sisters, and brothers. Ponder it in your quiet time with Jesus. Always thank Him for leading us to the Order, where we have been given the opportunity to follow Jesus in a special way. To love Him above all else so that with His help we can do good to others. And how does one love God? By daily personal conversion, resulting in committing fewer sins. That is, incidentally, the path to heaven, too. It is really a win-win proposition in our lives. So use the "oars that are given us" - make use of all the beautiful methods that the Holy Spirit makes available to us, to love God more by curtailing sin, and then, we can be true ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Then we will come to regard other people’s needs more important than our own. That is what it is all about, my friends, dying to self so that we can fulfill God's will as Franciscans!

So, as St. Francis said, let us begin again, for until now we have done nothing. Let us start today, right this minute. Yes, I know we all have problems. I can be an old grouch at times, especially in this economy, I feel the pinch too, but no matter how many problems we have, our inner disposition cannot be harmed. The Graces we experience cannot be stopped: now we must Go Out and spread the good News, as the Gospel tells us to do. This we do cheerfully, with great expectations that we can somehow bring some happiness to those whom we can meet. Inner joy that comes with loving God... for in worldly goods there is no joy, in fact most of the time, there is only misery. We do not need more "things." With Christmas around the corner it is perhaps not the right time to talk about fewer "things", but we do not need the excess of things some try to accumulate. But we do need a life in Christ with the help of His Holy Mother, the Immaculate Conception, because we love our Mother. She is the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God, and the Mother of the Church! Both the praying of the Rosary or the Franciscan Crown, honors the Mother of God. So let us honor her especially in December where so much is happening, her Feast Day (Dec. 8th), Advent and Christmas.

In Advent we prepare our souls for the coming of the Lord (Immanuel - "God with us"). We prepare by scheduling more quiet time with Jesus. During this quiet time, He speaks to us. Prayers are conversations with Jesus but we have got to give Jesus the opportunity to answer our prayers. This is not just some abstract thought - Conversation is a two-way deal. When we talk to our neighbors, we expect them to reply at least occasionally, even if (for some who aren't very talkative) a headshake, or vocal sounds like "Mmm" or "you don't say" (archaic, maybe) to indicate that we are participating in the conversation. If it is only me who is doing the talking, then it is no longer conversation but a speech! So in a similar way, if our mouth is moving 100% of the time, or we are distracted, thinking of something else, out in dreamland - we need to learn how to listen to Jesus because He talks very softly, but He does talk to us. So the idea is that we make time for him. A great place would be an Adoration Chapel where we can make a Holy Hour (or half hour) - but a good place in every day circumstances would be an area apart from family and people where we feel undisturbed, away from the telephone, and the computer... just sit there quietly and be with our Brother and friend, Jesus! That is such a joyful time, and that shouldn't happen only at Christmas, but every day of our lives.

He wants to talk to us. He desires our friendship. Let us turn toward Him more often, and our lives will be blessed with His joy and peace. I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving, a wonderful Advent, and a Joyful Christmas!
[Fred Schaeffer, OFS 12/19/2020, rev. 11/15/2022] 

Divine Mercy Fraternity ● Secular Franciscan Order ● Vero Beach, Florida ● Dec. 2022, p. 3

We wish you a
Merry Christmas

and a
Happy New Year

Divine Mercy Fraternity gathers monthly, Second Sunday 2-4:30 PM (Apr-May: Third Sunday), St. Helen Church St. Patrick's Room in Vero Beach, FL

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