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Totus Tuus Totally Yours

Totus Tuus – Totally Yours

Years ago, I found a nice book "A Year with Mary" written by our Holy Father, Pope Saint John Paul II. This is a book of daily meditations. Once in a while I look at it when the well runs dry and I need some inspiration.

Pope John Paul's coat-of-arms is a blue field with a gold cross on it, and in the lower right area there is a gold letter "M" (for Mary.) Usually the words "Totus Tuus" are associated with this emblem because the Holy Father considers himself "Totally Yours" in relation to Our Lady.

Our Lady is the Mother of all people and of us as individuals. Not just Catholics but the human race! Mary is also the first of the Redeemed. She was conceived without Original Sin. This is a matter of Faith. For us, Mary is a sign of hope. "Hope," is not hoping to get rich on material things but it is the desire to spend eternity with Mary and Jesus for all ages to come. Through Mary's intercession we'll get there. Mary was chosen before the world began. She accepted this choice with humility "I am the servant of the Lord." (Lk. 1:38).

There is a sublime union between Mary and the Holy Spirit. In order for us to contemplate this, we need to call on the Holy Spirit. In the Second Vatican Council document Lumen Gentium: "The Mother of Jesus shines forth on earth before the pilgrim People of God as a sign of sure hope and consolation." (#63) And, "He has created her through His Holy Spirit… and has poured her out upon all His creation." (Sir. 1:9ff)

Mary makes it possible for us to understand Her Son’s love. She introduces us to His Love. She is the Mother of the Word, the Word made Flesh. Jesus was carried in Mary’s arms as an Infant, a Youngster, and as He was taken off the Cross He was laid in His Mother’s arms. Mary enables us to hear the voice of Her Son. She makes this possible for us at Lourdes, Fatima, and all the "approved" apparition sites, and for those who want to believe at Medjugorje and other sites that are not as yet approved. Her message is simple: Pray the Rosary daily. Make use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Receive Holy Communion frequently, in other words, repent and love My Son!

Mary was assumed into Heaven. At the end of her earthly life she was assumed into Heaven Soul and Body. This was a Dogmatic definition rendered by Pope Pius XII in 1950. "The Assumption signifies a definitive union with God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit…" (Pope John Paul II) and all this was made possible through Our Lady’s unerring obedience, her YES given to God without hesitation at the Annunciation and at the foot of the Cross. Let us also give our YES to Her by doing what she asks of us, namely, to love Her Son, Jesus, and to love other people as we do ourselves.

Prayer is requested of us. Especially now, we need to pray, pray for world peace and pray to Holy Mary, the Mother of God, as individuals, to guide us closer to Her Son.

Fred Schaeffer, OFS (Spiritual Essay #63)

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