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A Plan for Lent

Thank you to the National Formation Commission for collaborating on this piece.


The Conversion Process: Ongoing and continuous conversion of the heart

For each week of Lent focus on one action item below that you would like to cultivate in a special way
as part of your Lenten journey.

  1. Make an act of reparation or a modification of behavior to show sorrow for sin.
  2. Be willing to recognize and accept suffering as the consequence of separating myself from God. (Offer sufferings for the benefit of others.)
  3. Commit to a plan for prayer, fasting, almsgiving. (See: Joel 2:12-18)
  4. Intentionally evangelize a lukewarm or nonbeliever.
  5. Ask the Holy Spirit to make me aware of a specific moral shortcoming and for the grace to change.
  6. Consciously live the Beatitudes.
  7. Seek personal conversion through deeper prayer.
  8. Radically commit to the Gospel life centered on the person of Jesus.
  9. Savor God’s mercy, experiencing the love of God which unceasingly calls us back to Himself.
  10. Accept myself as I am now and strive to reach a deeper level of conversion.
  11. Journal on my spiritual journey made up of failures and falls and also made up of new  beginnings, new discoveries.
  12. Use St. Francis’s paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer for meditation.


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